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Corniglia is the only village of the Cinque Terre which is not directly placed on the sea, in fact it rises on the top of a rocky promontory which is one hundred meters high, surrounded by vineyards located on typical Ligurian terraces.
The houses, low and large, look like more the hinterland ones than the typical coastal houses, this means that as a vocation, the village is from time immemorial linked to the earth rather than to the seacoast.
The main monument of the small village is the Gothic-Genoese style Church of St. Peter, whose construction dates back to 1350 on the ruins of a former building. Really interesting to see, is the Oratorio dei Disciplinati, dating back to the 18th century, from which it is possible to marvel at a breathtaking sea view, and the Largo Taragio, the main small square, Corniglia’s hidden gem.
If you want to reach the village of Corniglia, you need to walk up steps called Lardarina, made up of 33 flights with 377 steps, or hike over the street which starts from the railway station.

Corniglia’s buildings are more sophisticated compared to the other villages’ ones, in fact they present architectonic details of importance which are still visible, such as the stony decorations of the portals. As a matter of fact, Corniglia in the late Middle Ages was one of the dwelling places of the Fieschi, an aristocratic Genoese family.
Tucked away among the gently rolling hills, Corniglia is a very quiet pleasant-looking place, just the sea is not easily reachable because of the village high position, but the view from there…well, there’s no comparison! Here you can enjoy spectacular and unique landscapes.

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